Environmental Risk Management
The Environmental Risk Management module helps our UK based clients, such as Lend Lease and MACE Group, to understand and mitigate the environmental risks on-site.
All of the client specific information is held in one portal, allowing their Project/Site Managers or their appointed contractors/sub-contractors to manage the Aspects and Impacts register more effectively.
A master set of pre-defined, environmental questions is created, associated to each of the below themes and presented in 3 risk registers;
- Sensitive Receptors (e.g. watercourses, SSSIs, ecology)
- Risk Activities (e.g. surveying, construction, demolition)
- Risk Materials (e.g. bringing fuel / oil onto site or pre-existing contaminated land)
Additional guidance and support is inbuilt into the tool and available to the client users or contractors/sub-contractors throughout the review process, capturing our UK based clients, such as Lend Lease and MACE Group, specific actions / business processes, standard operating procedures, links to internal documents etc. to ensure all of the relevant information is available in one central web-based tool.
The client Project Manager or their appointed contractors/sub-contractors then selects the relevant environmental themes (receptors, activity, and materials) specific to each individual project.
The selected themes automatically create a tailored and relevant question set for the project, based on accurate and up-to-date content held within the database. The client Project Manager or their appointed contractors/sub-contractors answers each question (yes, no or don’t know) to each of the highlighted areas and upon completion of all of the questions, a draft environmental risk register is created (using our standard 5 x 5 risk matrix or tailored to meet our clients preferred risk protocol). After each environmental risk register is submitted for approval, an audit trail and version control is logged against the project history, whilst maintaining a ‘live’ register at each stage of a project.
An inbuilt legal register (updated quarterly) is also provided within the tool, highlighting the latest legislation – relevant to the specific question – to assist the client Project Manager or their appointed contractors/sub-contractors and helping to drive compliance across all projects.
Authorised users can also run management reports across each project, region, business unit or country to review and manage the performance / associated risks across their organisation.