Sustainability Toolkit
The Sustainability Toolkit module is designed to support our clients individual sustainability objectives and enhance their sustainability reporting processes.
Whether our UK based clients follow CEEQUAL or RIBA process, or are looking to aspire to / achieve a particular BREEAM rating on their individual construction projects, this module will provide full visibility of each stage and the current state against the project milestones / key deliverables of the project.
A unique master set of questions is developed in partnership with our clients Sustainability / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team to ensure each objective is outlined clearly in the web portal.
The users are presented with a series of questions at each stage of the sustainability appraisal process and based on the provided answers (yes, no or don’t know) are intelligently linked to create further related questions further in the construction lifecycle of the project.
The Sustainability module is also linked to the Environmental Risk Management module, which again – based on the answers provided – intelligently highlights the environmental risks when our clients move onto site during the construction phase
The sustainability module is fully designed around our UK based clients unique processes, incorporating their own sustainability themes, i.e. Waste - Carbon & Energy – Community – Design - Responsible Sourcing of Materials – Water - Land Use, Ecology & Biodiversity and General. These themes typically mirror their overall sustainability reporting objectives and then feed into their corporate social responsibility reporting / CSR reporting at the business layer.