Sustainability Toolkit
The Sustainability Toolkit module is designed to support our clients individual sustainability objectives. Whether our UK based clients follow CEEQUAL/RIBA process, or are looking to aspire to/achieve a particular BREEAM rating on their individual construction projects, this module will provide full visibility of each stage and the current state against the project milestones/key deliverables.
Environmental Risk Management
The Environmental Risk Management module helps our UK based clients to understand and mitigate the environmental risks on-site. All of the client specific information is held in one portal, allowing the Project or Site Manager to manage the Aspects and Impacts register more effectively.
Legal Register
The Legal Register module provides a tailored register that is focussed on our UK based clients individual business needs. It is essential for our clients to understand their legal requirements, to enable effective controls to be developed/implemented, and also for effective terms and conditions to be written and communicated to contractors for UK projects.
Environmental KPI Tracker
The Environmental KPI Tracker module helps our clients to capture their environmental and sustainability data – including Energy, Mileage, Carbon/CO2, Waste, Re-cycling - at a project level. This information then typically feeds into our UK based clients corporate data layer – helping them to achieve their overall sustainability or CSR commitments.